Αγκινάρα Ιρίων / Agkinara Irion Igp

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The Protected Geographical Indication Agkinara Irion denotes heads of the local variety of artichoke known as Prasini tou Argous or Argitiki, which belongs to the species Cynara scolymus L. in the Asteraceae family.

Αγκινάρα Ιρίων (Agkinara Irion) si intendono i capolini di carciofo della varietà locale nota come Prasini tou Argous o Argitiki appartenente alla specie Cynara scolymus L. della famiglia delle asteraceae.

Igp Agkinara Irion Igp Gr


Φασόλια Κατταβιάς Ρόδου / Fasolia Kattavias Rodou Igp

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Fasolia Kattavias Rodou/Lopia Kattavias Rodou denotes the seeds of a dwarf variety of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), which has adapted perfectly to the soil and climatic conditions of Kattavia.

Φασόλια Κατταβιάς Ρόδου / Λόπια Κατταβιάς Ρόδου (Fasolia Kattavias Rodou / Lopia Kattavias Rodou) indica i semi di fagiolo (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) della varietà nana coltivata in asciutta che si è perfettamente adattata alle condizioni pedoclimatiche di Cattavia.

lopia-kattavias-rodou Igp



Φάβα Φενεού / Fava Feneou Igp

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Fava Feneou is an edible pulse obtained from Lathyrus sativus L. (grass pea). The seeds are harvested and the dried, husked and crushed cotyledons consumed as food. Ground or cooked into a thick puree, they are known as fava.

La Fava Feneou è una leguminosa commestibile proveniente dalla cicerchia del tipo Lathyrus sativus L

Igp  Fava Feneou  Gr


Ρόδι Ερμιόνης / Rodi Ermionis Dop

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Rodi Ermionis is the fruit of the Ermioni pomegranate tree, a local variety of the Punica granatum L. species belonging to the Punicaceae family, which is grown in the Ermionida area, hence the name. It is a local ecotype which over time and as a result of natural selection has adapted to the local climatic conditions and the growing methods used by the local producers. These plants also provide the propagation material for new planting in the area.
La melagrana Rodi Ermionis è il frutto dei melograni del genere Punica granatum L. della famiglia delle Punicaceae della varietà locale Ermionis, coltivati nella regione di Ermionida da cui prendono il nome.

Rodi Ermionis Dop Grecia


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